We can all agree that memorizing decimals of Pi is really really cool. But here is another challenge for you all, for how many decimals of Pi can you survive in Sticky Pi Challenge?

Sticky Pi Challenge is an infinite* platformer that could be described as being spun out of the dreams of a math student falling asleep during class while going through the exciting number that is Pi. For some reason our protagonist is stuck in a world where there are blocks coming towards our hero. Some of them has numbers on them and our hero immediately recognizes them to be decimals in pi, in a correct sequence even.

While trying to survive our hero must jump between the blocks and avoid explosions, fire, Pi missiles and falling to a gruesome death in the depths of math world. While trying to stay alive the only thought is... just one more decimal.

* Well ok there is a hard limit at one million decimals of Pi but if anyone makes it that far that person should take a screenshot and then turn off the computer and go to sleep. The developers promise to extend the game with another million decimals.

Development log


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jump is hard

(1 edit)

Thanks for trying the game. Hard as in getting the timing right or is the control itself tricky? It was meant to be challenging but not overly so to begin with, at least not until you get until about 100 decimals. Then it can start to be quite challenging.