My Game Is Crap and That's OK

I could base this on the low number of plays that my game has gotten but to be honest that could just as well have been due to the poor marketing and the enormous number of games out there. No, my game is not that good and it is telling that I had to release it to realize it. The game was based on an initial idea and I designed it based on that and drove hard to completing it. While I did find it a bit fun to play myself I should have been able to tell from the few people that I could test it on that it wasn't any good. Unfortunately as I don't have a large network of unbiased players no one was honest enough to tell me that it was not fun. 

With hindsight I think I should have been enough aware to stop myself but I guess I was too emotionally invested and to hung up on the idea of releasing it and be done that I ignored my bad feelings. 

If I were to summarize why it is bad I guess it would be something like: 

  • There is no clear goal or good core loop to the game
  • The colors are confusing
  • It is too monotonous in shape and style
  • Player is not really in control 

The game doesn't really have a loop, I guess if it has one then it is jump with a transition to jump again. Of course there are variations where you sometimes need to slash as well. There is a minute planning detail. The idea was and has always been to survive as long as possible. But there was nothing really to survive for except increasing the Pi decimal score. This would likely only appeal to a very select number of persons that will likely never see this game. 

The block change color when stepped on and the colors signify some kind of event or action that will happen. Some of the colors could have been more cleverly picked. And there is still much to consider if the player should be aware of the actions beforehand or not. 

The game consists of 1x1 blocks, basically that is it. There are some enemies that you meet but still there is very little variation. This was some good feedback I received after the release. 

Then there is the fact that the world is constantly moving and the player cannot control this. There are other games like flappy bird that also forces the player to act and is not in control of the moving world but there the loop is more compelling. It was a mistake to have the blocks moving instead of the regular camera following side scrolling used in most platformers. 

I believe that mistakes are good because you learn from them. I still think that there are some good building blocks here that can be salvaged and remade to a new game. Perhaps I should just burn this and leave it but I feel I have to give it a try and see if I can make something better from this. I'm very happy about the controls and the style of the game. 

I have experimented in making the game to a side scroller instead with some other movement systems except jumping. I will also add some new forms to the game and some new kinds of puzzles. There needs to be a traditional loop of managing puzzles, collecting pickups and pi decimals, beating enemies and then having boss fights. I will also add some kind of checkpoints so you don't have to replay the entire game when you die. 

Lastly I will add a top hat and monocle to the player character. If that won't do it then I don't know what will.

Here is a gif from my experiments with making this into a side scroller, I also removed the limited double jumps. The background squares have been optimized out by the GIF optimizer.

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